Karate Leadership UK | Strood
We are very proud to have been bringing martial arts to our local community for many years now and we are passionate about continuing to do so. Our classes are fun and informative and family friendly. We have seating for parents & families and ample parking. Our ever growing academy offers you classes to suit all age ranges (from 3-65+ yrs) and abilities.
We offer a free trial class so you can come along and see what we do first hand and how our classes can help change your life for the better.
We look forward to seeing you at our academy soon !

+44 07738 872 331

Senior Instructor – 4th Dan Blackbelt
Sensei O’Brien has studied Martial Arts for a number of years now, in his early days he enjoyed Judo and Shotokan before getting married and enjoying family life. Outside of martial arts he has a passion for cycling, running and the odd triathlon when opportunity allows. Currently a 4th dan Black Belt in Wado Ryu Karate, 1st Dan Shotokan Karate and 1st Dan in Aikido, Martial arts has always played a big part in his lifestyle. Sensei O’Brien is a firm believer in the benefits Martial Arts can offer the individual and the family and is extremely proud to have his daughter Emily work alongside him as Strood's Assistant Instructor.

Academy Instructor – 4th Dan Blackbelt
Sensei O'Brien has a passion for Martial Arts. Living and breathing Martial Arts from the age of three and a half, she is a fantastic example of what a young person can become and is an awesome role model for others. She is currently a 4th dan Black Belt in Wado Ryu Karate, 1st Dan Shotokan Karate and 1st Dan in Aikido.